BNL-AGS-E751 | Measurement of Hyperon Radiative Decay |
BNL-AGS-E752 | A Search for Sigma Hypernuclear Levels in O(16) in the (K-, π+) Reaction |
BNL-AGS-E754 | Determination of the Dynamics of μ+ Motion in Aluminum |
BNL-AGS-E755 | π- p Two-Body Exclusive Reactions at 90 Deg from 8 Gev/c to 18 Gev/c, and (Phase II) Large Angle Exclusives — Positives and Polarization |
BNL-AGS-E758 | The (π+,K+) Reaction — a New Tool for the Study of Hypernuclear Structure |
BNL-AGS-E759 | The Weak Decay Modes of Hypernuclei |
BNL-AGS-E760 | Spin Dependence of the Lambda Nucleus Interaction Determined by Observation of Hypernuclear Gamma Rays |
BNL-AGS-E762 | Search for Narrow Structures in the Antiproton-Proton Annihilation Cross Section from 1900 to 1950 Mev |
BNL-AGS-E766 | Study of Omega- Production and Development of On-Line Hardware Processing |
BNL-AGS-E767 | Development of a Low Energy Antineutron Source and Measurement of Antineutron-Proton Annihilation Cross Sections Near Antinucleon-Nucleon Threshold |
BNL-AGS-E769 | Search for Glueballs and Other Meson States |
BNL-AGS-E771 | Study of E-Meson Characteristics in π- p, K- p, and pbar p Interactions |
BNL-AGS-E772 | Search for Antiproton-Neutron Bound and Resonant States |
BNL-AGS-E773 | Search for S=-1 Dibaryon States in the Lambda P Missing Mass Spectrum Near the Sigma Nucleon Threshold in the Reaction D(K-, π-)X At 870 Mev/c |
BNL-AGS-E774 | Search for Sigma Hypernuclear Levels in 4He |
BNL-AGS-E775 | Neutrino Oscillation Experiments at the AGS to Cover the Interval 0.1 < delta2sin(2α) < 100 eV2 |
BNL-AGS-E776 | Neutrino Oscillation Experiment |
BNL-AGS-E777 | Search for the Rare Decay Mode K+ → π+,μ+,e- |
BNL-AGS-E778 | Study of Nuclear Fragments Produced from P Nucleus Collisions in the Threshold Region 1 < P < 28 Gev/C Using a Warm Gas Jet Internal Target |
BNL-AGS-E779 | Use of 28-Gev Proton External Beam for Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Reaction Studies |
BNL-AGS-E780 | A Search for the Flavor Changing Neutral Currents KL → Muon Electron and KL → e+ e- |
BNL-AGS-E781 | Spin Dependence of the Lambda Nucleus Interaction Determined by Observation of Hypernuclear Gamma Rays |
BNL-AGS-E782 | Spin-Spin Effects in Medium and High Momentum Transfer Elastic P-P Scattering |
BNL-AGS-E785 | Single Spin Asymmetry Measurement in Inclusive P(Polarized) P Reactions at 24 Gev/C and High Transverse Momentum |
BNL-AGS-E787 | Rare Kaon decay |
BNL-AGS-E788 | The Four-Fermion Weak Interaction and the Decay of Λ4He and Λ5He |
BNL-AGS-E789 | Search for Ξ(2.22) Formation in Antiproton-Proton Interactions |
BNL-AGS-E790 | Nuclear Stopping Power Measurements with 18-GeV/c Protons |
BNL-AGS-E791 | Study of Very Rare KL Decays |
BNL-AGS-E793 | Search for Fractionally Charged Nuclei in 15A GeV Silicon-Pb and Silicon-Cu Collisions |
BNL-AGS-E794 | One-spin Effects in pp → pp at High PT2 |
BNL-AGS-E795 | Measurement of the Imaginary Part of the I=1 Nucleon-Antinucleon S-Wave Scattering Length at Threshold |
BNL-AGS-E798 | Study of Strangeness in Nuclei by Use of the (π+,K+) Reaction |
BNL-AGS-E801 | A Search for Free Quarks Produced in Heavy-Ion Mercury Interactions |
BNL-AGS-E802 | Studies of Particle Production at Extreme Baryon Densities in Nuclear Collisions at the AGS |
BNL-AGS-E804 | Search for Fractional Charge with Heavy Ion Beams at the Brookhaven AGS |
BNL-AGS-E805 | Search for Galactic Axions |
BNL-AGS-E806 | Nuclear Fragmentation in Heavy Ion Collisions at 15 GeV/AMU |
BNL-AGS-E808 | Interactions of 14.1 GeV/AMU Nuclei for 16O to 197Au in Light and Heavy Targets |
BNL-AGS-E810 | A Search for Quark Matter (QGP) and Other New Phenomena Utilizing Heavy Ion Collisions at the AGS |
BNL-AGS-E811 | Radiative Kaon Capture and Hyperon Weak Radiative Decay |
BNL-AGS-E813 | Search for a strangeness -2 dibaryon |
BNL-AGS-E814 | Study of Extreme Peripheral Collisions and of the Transition from Peripheral to Central Collisions in Reactions Induced by Relativistic Heavy Ions |
BNL-AGS-E815 | Particle Production and Nuclear Fragmentation in Collisions of Heavy Ions in Emulsion at AGS Energies |
BNL-AGS-E816 | Search for Neutrino Oscillations |
BNL-AGS-E817 | Spin transfer in hyperon production |
BNL-AGS-E818 | Search for a JPC-Exotic Hybrid Meson |
BNL-AGS-E820 | Search for S = -1 Dibaryon Resonance in the Mass Region (2.05 - 2.15) Gev/c Using the Reaction 3He (K-,π+) nx and 3He (K-,π+) px at 870 Mev/c |
BNL-AGS-E821 | Muon g-2 experiment |
BNL-AGS-E836 | Search for a strangeness -2 dibaryon using a 3He target |
BNL-AGS-E841 | Physics calibration of the SOUDAN-2 Nucleon Decay Experiment using neutrinos at Brookhaven |
BNL-AGS-E844 | Measurement of the angular distribution for fragments in the target rapidity region |
BNL-AGS-E850 | Eva, Color Transparency |
BNL-AGS-E851 | A Study of the decay K+ → π+ e+ e- |
BNL-AGS-E852 | Search for Mesons with Unusual Quantum Numbers |
BNL-AGS-E864 | Rare Composite Objects and Novel Forms of Matter |
BNL-AGS-E865 | Lepton flavor number violating decay K+ → π+ μ+ e- |
BNL-AGS-E866 | Particle Production at High Baryon Densities Using the Au Beam |
BNL-AGS-E871 | Search for Rare Kaon Decays |
BNL-AGS-E877 | Study of Transverse Energy and Particle Production in Ultrarelativistic Au+Au Collisions |
BNL-AGS-E878 | Investigation of antinucleus production |
BNL-AGS-E880 | The Effects of a Partial Siberian Snake on Polarization at the AGS |
BNL-AGS-E881 | Utilizing φ φ Spectroscopy to Search for Exotic Glueballs, Exotic Hybrid or Exotic Multiquark States |
BNL-AGS-E882-B | Search for Strangelets and Other Exotic Objects |
BNL-AGS-E885 | Search for Dilambda Hypernuclei |
BNL-AGS-E886 | Search for New Particles in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions |
BNL-AGS-E887 | Do Narrow Σ Hypernuclear States Exist? |
BNL-AGS-E888 | Search for the H Dibaryon |
BNL-AGS-E889 | Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Search - Did not run! |
BNL-AGS-E890 | A New Test of Charge Symmetry in η Production on Deuterium |
BNL-AGS-E891 | A search for quark matter (QGP) and other new phenomena utilizing Au Au Collisions at the AGS |
BNL-AGS-E892 | Capture from Pair Production |
BNL-AGS-E895 | Exclusive Study of Nuclear Collisions using 2-10A GeV Au Beams |
BNL-AGS-E896 | H0 di-baryon, hyperon production in 11.6 A GeV/c AuAu collisions |
BNL-AGS-E897 | Tests of C and CP in Rare η Decays with the Crystal Ball Detector |
BNL-AGS-E900 | Extension: Heating Nuclei with Antiprotons |
BNL-AGS-E905 | Search for Σ States in 4He |
BNL-AGS-E906 | CDS Detection of Pionic Decays |
BNL-AGS-E907 | Hypernuclear Spectroscopy with the NMS |
BNL-AGS-E909 | η production at threshold |
BNL-AGS-E910 | A Facility to Study Proton-nucleus and Heavy Ion Collisions using a Large-acceptance Detector with Particle Identification Capability |
BNL-AGS-E913-914 | The Crystal Ball |
BNL-AGS-E917 | High Density Baryon Matter Using Rare Probes |
BNL-AGS-E923 | T-violation in K decays |
BNL-AGS-E925 | Spin asymmetry in inclusive pion production with a polarized proton beam |
BNL-AGS-E926 | Rare KL decay experiment |
BNL-AGS-E931 | A Study of the Delta I = 1/2 Rule in the Weak Decay of s-shell Hypernuclei |
BNL-AGS-E935 | The Search for a Light Mass Gluino |
BNL-AGS-E940 | Muon to Electron COnversion Experiment (MECO) |
BNL-AGS-E941 | Searching for Rare Composite Objects and Novel Forms of Matter in High Energy Ion Collisions |
BNL-AGS-E949 | Rare kaon decay experiment in the C4 beamline(LESB III) |
BNL-FNAL-E740 | D0 |
BNL-FNAL-E823 | D0 upgrade |
BNL-NSLS-L10 | Polarizability of the Bound Neutron |
BNL-RHIC-BRAHMS | Broad RAnge Hadron Magnetic Spectrometers Experiment at RHIC |
BNL-RHIC-PHOBOS | A study of the re-enactment of the evolution of the universe a micro-second after the Big Bang |
BNL-RHIC-PP2PP | Total and Differentail Cross Sections, and Polarization Effects in pp Elastic Scattering at RHIC |
BNL-RHIC-ZCAL | Zero Degree Calorimeters: Centrality and Luminosity Measurement used in the RHIC experiments |
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