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          <rev user="ChaoZhang" timestamp="2022-03-11T21:04:46Z" comment="" xml:space="preserve">Welcome to the Electronic Detector Group (EDG) Wiki.  

=== Home Page ===

Our new group [ home page] can be found at

=== About this wiki ===

Check the navigation bar on the left for main entry points.

This wiki comes in 
[[edgpub:Main Page|public]] and
[[edgpriv:Main Page|private]]
flavors.  You are visiting the {{pubpriv|public|private}} one. 
All edits should be made by authenticated users through
the public version.  These are automatically and periodically synchronized
to the private version. Some information is only visible to
authenticated users on the private version.  See [[Help:Contents|the help page]] for details.

For now 
[ the old wiki] is still available.  An even [ older page] from the days of static HTML is also kept around.</rev>