Number | Title | Date | Authors | (see also) |
K-001 | E949 Proposal | 10/12/98 | Kettell | |
K-002 | E949 Collaboration Meeting #1 Transparencies | 02/03/99 | Kettell | |
K-003 | E949 Proposal to DOE | 04/19/99 | Kettell | |
K-004 | Proposed New Beam Instrumentation | 06/22/99 | Kitching, MacDonald, Numao | |
K-005 | E949 Collaboration Meeting #2 Transparencies | 10/03/99 | Kettell | Minutes |
K-006 | Proposed RS Monitor System | 2/3/00 | Nomura | |
K-007 | RS Scintillator Study | 12/10/99 | Frank | K-007_triumf or K-007_test |
K-008 | Monte Carlo Study of the Active Degrader | 12/23/99 | Numao | |
K-009 | E949 Collaboration Meeting #3 Transparencies | 02/10/00 | Kettell | Minutes |
K-010 | Preprint of the E949 Proposal | 3/21/00 | Kettell | BNL-67247, tri-pp-00-06 |
K-011 | E949 Collaboration Meeting #4 Transparencies | 07/16/00 | Kettell | Minutes |
K-012 | Effects of RS pe yield on TD Analysis | 10/24/00 | Bergbusch | |
K-013 | T-counters with WLS fiber readout | 11/24/00 | Khabibullin et. al. | |
K-014 | Fiber optic bundles for E949 RS Monitor | 12/15/00 | Frank, Kozhevnikov | |
K-015 | Downstream Photon Veto Counter | 11/29/00 | Victorov | |
K-016 | E949 Trigger Definitions | 4/01/01 | Kettell, Yoshioka | |
K-017 | Downstream Collar Detector for E949 | 6/12/01 | Kudenko et al. | |
K-018 | Prototype L0 Trigger and Meantimer Boards for E949 | 7/15/01 | Nomachi, Yoshioka | |
K-019 | A Simulation of the E949 Collar Detector using GEANT | 2/8/00 | Kurshetsov | |
K-020 | Tests of prototype E949 beam instrumentation | 6/15/01 | Coombes et al. | |
K-021 | Final E949 Beam Instrumentation | 8/1/01 | Coombes et al. | |
K-022 | unpublished | |||
K-023 | Improvement to the RSSC Electronics | 4/29/02 | X. Li et al. | |
K-024 | Modifications of the TD fit algorithm for the 3-pulse topology | 2/9/98 | P.Kapinos | |
K-025 | Summary of the 2002 dataset and Pass0 processing | 11/12/02 | Bhuyan et al. | |
K-026 | The consequences of a larger Cabibbo angle on rare decays | 9/03/02 | L. Littenberg | |
K-027 | TDmon: TD monitoring program | 9/04/02 | D.E. Jaffe | |
K-028 | DeToX: Lecroy HV monitor program | 9/04/02 | D.E. Jaffe | |
K-029 | FITPI: Triple-pulse fitting and other modifications | 10/31/02 | D.E. Jaffe | |
K-030 | Efficiency of T-counters and T.2 trigger signals | 12/9/02 | Yershov, Mineev | |
K-031 | LoI for K+ -> pi+nunubar at J-PARC | 12/27/02 | Komatsubara, Nakano, Nomura | LoI web site |
K-032 | IC TD pulse height calibration | 1/17/03 | D.E. Jaffe | |
K-033 | Summary of the 2002 Pass1 processing | 6/30/03 | Bhuyan et al. | |
K-034 | 2002 pnn1 Data Analysis | 12/19/03 | Chen et al. | |
K-035 | Additional 2002 pnn1 Data Analysis | Chen et al. | not yet available | |
K-036 | FITPI acceptance | 1/14/04 | D.E. Jaffe | |
K-037 | More accurate definition of target fiber coordinates | 2/17/04 | D.I. Patalakha | |
K-038 | Further 2002 pnn1 Analysis | 6/3/2004 | S. Chen et al. | |
K-039 | Note on the history of the Grossman-Nir limit | 4/19/04 | T.K.Komatsubara | |
K-040 | Note on the Acceptance Factors for pnn1-2002 | T.K.Komatsubara | in preparation | |
K-041 | Testing of Sector Crossing Daughterboard Modifications to MT2A | 7/21/04 | Daniel C. Miner; | |
K-042 | Can E949 measure the K+ lifetime? | 8/18/04 | Frank | |
K-045 | Study of the target CCD pulse fitting analysis | 2/9/05 | J. Frank | |
K-046 | Experimental Stufy of the Decay K+ -> pi+ gamma gamma | Feb/05 | T. Yoshioka | report based on the thesis; see K-047 |
K-047 | Addendm to the report on K+ -> pi+ gamma gamma | 5/22/05 | Komatsubara, Yoshioka | revised on 8/03/05 |
Appendix-C revised | ||||
K-048 | A guide to the literature of ChPT and K+ -> pi+ gamma gamma | 8/03/05 | T.K.Komatsubara | |
K-049 | Measurement of the K+ -> pi+ nu nubar Branching Ratio | Feb/05 | T.Sekiguchi | report based on the thesis |
K-050 | Verification of final 2002 pnn1 analysis cuts and PV acc./rej. measuring techniques | Oct/05 | D.Vavilov | Slides for pnn2 meeting on 13-Sep-2005 |
K-051 | TD acceptance and rejection for pnn2 analysis; | Nov/05 | A.Artamonov | |
K-052 | Branching ratio for pi0->nunubar in the case of massive neutrinos | 12/02/05 | T.K.Komatsubara | |
K-053 | TGCUTS: Past and present | 7/19/06 | I.A.Christidi | |
K-054 | Experimental Search for the Decay pi0 -> nu nubar | Feb/05 | K.Mizouchi | report based on the thesis |
K-055 | P, E, R resolution in E949 pnn2 analysis | 17/03/06 | Wang Zhe | |
K-056 | Thoughts on pnn2 inside- and outside-the-box studies | 9May06 | D.E.Jaffe | |
K-057 | Estimate of number of photoelectrons in the active degrader | May06 | D.E.Jaffe | |
K-058 | UMC sample list of E949 pnn2 analysis | 17/03/06 | Wang Zhe | |
K-059 | LoI for Exotic Hadrons and K+ -> pi+nunubar at J-PARC | 28/04/06 | Nakano et al. | using the E949 detector |
K-060 | Addition to Bad Runs List. | 15Nov06 | Benji Lewis | |
K-061 | PNN2 1/3 Beam Background | 15Nov06 | Benji Lewis | |
K-062 | A Correction to a setup_pass1.F Coding Mistake | 15Nov06 | Benji Lewis | Comments within Pass2 Code |
K-063 | A new Target Reconstruction and Target Scatter Algorithm | 17Nov06 | Benji Lewis | see Appendix |
K-064 | Target Reconstruction Appendix. A guide to TG coding. | 17Nov06 | Benji Lewis | |
K-065 | The Active Degrader | 20Nov06 | Ilektra Christidi | |
K-066 | Muon Background Estimation for PNN2 box region | 4Dec06 | Dmitri Patalakha | |
K-067 | The Downstream Photon Veto | 1Feb07 | Ilektra Christidi | |
K-068 | Changes in the TGCUTS with the new processing | 11May07 | Ilektra Christidi | |
K-069 | 1/3 Summary table | 24May07 | Ilektra Christidi | |
K-070 | The Kp2 scatter 1/3 background | 21Jun07 | Ilektra Christidi | TN68,69,70 latex source tarball |
K-071 | Likelihood analysis | 22Jun07 | Ilektra Christidi | TN71 latex source tarball |
K-072 | Kp2 branching ratio | 28 September 07 | Dmitri I. Patalakha | |
K-073 | Analysis of the 1/3 E949 pnn2 data | 22Nov07 | J.Ives et al. | K-073.v0 |
K-074 | Analysis of the 2/3 E949 pnn2 data | 24 April 2008 | J.Ives et al. | K-074.v0 |
K-075 | Limits on K+ → π+ a0 | 1 October 2008 | L. Littenberg | |
K-076 | Monte Carlo acceptance for pnn2 | 20 Oct 2008 | D.E.Jaffe, Z.Wang | |
K-077 | Partial Branching Ratio | 23 Oct 2008 | Zhe Wang | |
K-078 | Scalar, tensor and K to pi X | 04 Dec 2008 | Zhe Wang |
List of E787 Technotes , E787 Technotes available electronically
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