E949 Monte Carlo

E949 Monte Carlo

Latest update of UMC version7: 2003.Jan.21

UMC source code for LINUX-g77

UMC beamfiles

UMC studies at TRIUMF

RS Scintillator Thickness

General Descriptions

The official Monte-Carlo program to simulate the BNL E949 experiment is based on EGS4 (sorry, not on GEANT) and is called UMC ("Unified Monte Carlo"). UMC has been developed and maintained by the BNL E787 collaboration, since 1980's, upto the version6. The UMC version7 is for E949 and takes care of the new detector with Barrel Veto Liner officially.

UMC version7 for E949, managed by CVS (2002.Oct.27)

EGS version4 for UMC is also managed by CVS.

Tutorial Information

UMC Projects: Things-to-do list (last updated: 2003.Jan.28)

History of UMC version7 updates

history.txt: summary of the updates (2003.Jan.22)

E949 UMC Mail Server

archived information

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Last modified by T.K.Komatsubara(KEK), Fri Apr 4 12:46:34 JST 2003