NELVET: Number of correlated hits found by ELVETO5 ISEV(NELVET): 0 event passes 1 end-to-end match in local region 2 end-to-end match in non-local region 3 single end hit in local region 4 single end hit in non-local region ISTEV5: 0 electron found 1 no electron found ISTEV5M1: 0 electron found when requiring a hit in the stopping sector and within the stopping +/- 1 1 no electron found when requiring a hit in the stopping sector and within the stopping +/- 1 T1MT2: End/end pion time difference EELEC1: Electron energy in +/- 1 sec (units of FADC counts) EELEC2: Electron energy in +/- 2 sec (units of FADC counts) EELEC2C: Electron energy in +/- 2 sec (calibrated) TELEC: Electron time DTELEC: End-to-end difference for electron cluster relative to pion PROBTD: pi-mu probability from FITPI results (see td_acc.cdf) PROBTDN: pi-mu probability from FITPI results (see td_acc_new.cdf) IFAIL_TDFL: 0 normal return 2,4 for the case when the tdfool pion life time (or muon time) is greater than 40 ns and the tdfool muon kinetic energy is greater than 30 MeV 1,3 for the case when the tdfool muon kinetic energy is greater than 100-5/3*the tdfool pion life time (or muon time) 9 the hit is end-to-end match in local region or the number of hits in stopping hextant is not 1 10 the stopping layer is not within 4-22 or the stopping sector is not within 1-24 NHEXCT: Number of tdfool FITPI fits ICODE_TDFL(NHEXCT): 0 indicates a Pi-->Mu candidate is present in FITPI 1 error getting TD data 2 fail single pulse fit (Prefitter) 3 fail min. PROD for either end 4 fail muon pulse height cut either end 5 combined PROD cut 6 end to end muon time difference 7 average muon time or prod for prompt mu times 8 fail total muon energy cut 9 Saturated RS TD pulse found, no fit attempted. 10 Failed single end muon chisquare cut. EMUT_TDFL(NHEXCT): tdfool Muon energy EMUTC_TDFL(NHEXCT): tdfool Muon energy (calibrated to MeV) DT_TDFL(NHEXCT): tdfool Muon z relative to pion z (end/end timing) DTMU_TDFL(NHEXCT): tdfool Tmuav relative to stopping counter tmuav CMUEND_TDFL(2,NHEXCT):tdfool single-pulse fit chi-square on each end CPIEND_TDFL(2,NHEXCT):tdfool double-pulse fit chi-square on each end CMUPI_TDFL(2,NHEXCT): tdfool Mu, Pi fit Chi-Squared ratio on each end PROD_TDFL(NHEXCT): tdfool end1,end2 product of cmupi NHIT_STHEX: number of hits in stopping hextant ESUM_STHEX: total energy in stopping hextant EMAX_STHEX: maximum extra energy in stopping hextant ESTHEX(4) : ADC energy in each counter in stopping hextant NNOFID: Number of TD channels with 0 pulses CHNOFID(NNOFID): List of TD channel numbers with no pulses TIME_FIDX(288): Raw time of TD fiducial in each channel IFID_CODEX(288): TD fiducial code (see tdfid.cmn)