E949 Monitoring Systems
General Description
- RS Gain Monitor
- The Range Stack (RS) is the most important component in our
energy (and range) measurements. It is also critical for the
rejection of Kmu2 decays, through the Transient Digitizer (TD)
requirement of a pi+ -> mu+ -> e+ decay chain.
- It is rather amazing that we do not have a monitor system
on this, most important, calorimeter.
- Crate Voltage Monitor
- We need to detect problems with oscillations in the NIM crate
supplies feeding the TD's; we also need to find resistive contacts
of the Fastbus supplies before they get too bad. This kind of
monitoring is needed to maintain high running efficiency.
- We want to measure the cable segment line driver levels.
Changes in these levels are a sure indicator of imminent or already
existing DAQ problems.
- Spill Structure Monitor
- We want to keep the instantaneous rates as low as possible. Therefore we want
to have rapid monitoring and feedback with the AGS.