This page contains an archive of data from E949.
Reference material for K+->pi+nunu final E787/E949 results:
- "New measurement of the K+->pi+nunu branching ratio" :
- "Study of the decay K+ => pi+,nu,nubar in the momentum region 140 \lt P(pi) \lt 199 MeV/c":
arXiv:0903.0030 submitted to Phys.Rev.D.
- Gzipped, tarball of confidence level vs branching ratio for
different spectral shapes and kinematic regions. See README file in tarball for details.
Reference material for K+->pi+nunu : PRL 93, 031801 (2004) (hep-ex/0403036, KEK/2004-3, BNL/72164-2004-JA, TRIUMF/TRI-PP-04-07)
Table of Confidence Levels
and Plot of Lower confidence
level curve (Upper confidence level can be obtained from (1-y) on the y-axis).
Preprint (hep-ex/0403036
Figures from the paper
Other plots and figures
Numbers of triggered events in E949-2002
Reference material for K+→π+γγ : PLB623, 192 (2005) (hep-ex/0505069, BNL/73917-2005-JA, IHEP/2005-8, KEK/2005-8, TRIUMF/TRI-PP-05-07, TUHEP/EX-05-001)